Certification Answers

Which of the following is a benefit of using HTML5 for mobile advertising?

  1. Uses device IDs instead of cookies
  2. Can create complex effects
  3. Works only with mobile devices
  4. Requires sophisticated development tools

100% Correct Answer

  • Can create complex effects

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Certification Questions & Certification Answers

You’re using a travel app to book flights on your smartphone. You see an ad appear for hotels at your destination. What type of ad is this?

  1. Mobile high-end
  2. Mobile web
  3. Mobile mid-range
  4. Mobile in-app

100% Correct Answer

  • Mobile in-app

DinoWorld wants to track how many users installed their Android app after clicking their ad. What is one supported way to track these installs?

  1. Link the Google Play account to Campaign Manager and enable tracking
  2. Have your developer write code to embed within the mobile site
  3. Cannot track app installs
  4. Use HTML5 to create an interactive ad that tracks app installs

100% Correct Answer

  • Link the Google Play account to Campaign Manager and enable tracking

KidApparel wants to send mobile users to install their app and desktop users to their website. How do you accomplish this in Campaign Manager?

  1. Traffic two ads under one placement and use targeting to direct each user to the correct ad
  2. Traffic a single ad directing mobile users to install the app; the desktop ad is generated automatically
  3. Traffic a single ad and let the users direct themselves
  4. Use HTML5

100% Correct Answer

  • Traffic two ads under one placement and use targeting to direct each user to the correct ad

Your client has just launched their mobile campaign and wants details on performance. Which of the following dimensions can you add to a Standard Basic report to add mobile-specific details?

  1. Rich media
  2. No dimensions need to be added
  3. Platform type or Environment
  4. Device ID

100% Correct Answer

  • Platform type or Environment

Sports Gear wants to know how many in-app purchases were influenced by their mobile web campaign. Which report can you generate to provide them this information?

  1. Both Cross-Device Conversions and Standard Basic reports
  2. Cross-Device Conversions
  3. Standard Basic
  4. Audience Performance

100% Correct Answer

  • Cross-Device Conversions

What kind of creative would be best suited for smartphone users?

  1. Creative with action-driven messaging, such as “Download now!”
  2. Highly interactive and entertaining creative requiring a long time to experience
  3. Large creatives that require lots of bandwidth and high connection speed
  4. Creative optimized for large screens

100% Correct Answer

  • Creative with action-driven messaging, such as “Download now!”

How are conversions tracked on mobile apps?

  1. Google Play
  2. Cookies
  3. Resettable device IDs passed into Campaign Manager tags
  4. Cannot track conversions on mobile apps

100% Correct Answer

  • Resettable device IDs passed into Campaign Manager tags

Sally’s team has developed creatives that look really great on tablet devices. What time of day might she expect her tablet audience to peak?

  1. Mid-morning
  2. Evening
  3. Early morning
  4. It stays constant all day

100% Correct Answer

  • Evening

Which of the following is a benefit of using HTML5 for mobile advertising?

  1. Uses device IDs instead of cookies
  2. Can create complex effects
  3. Works only with mobile devices
  4. Requires sophisticated development tools

100% Correct Answer

  • Can create complex effects

Sports World has a very bandwidth-intensive creative that should only be displayed for users with sufficiently fast connections. How might they target these users with a different creative than other users?

  1. Connection type
  2. Browser
  3. Browser
  4. Android

100% Correct Answer

  • Connection type

Your client has a desktop and a mobile version of their website and wants to track the two separately. How do you set this up using floodlight tags?

  1. Use one tag as it will automatically adjust
  2. Create separate tags for each version of the site
  3. You should not track mobile sites as they are not compatible with floodlight
  4. Only focus on tablet users

100% Correct Answer

  • Create separate tags for each version of the site

What mobile environment has the same functionality for Campaign Manager placements and floodlight as desktop browsers, but optimized for mobile screens?

  1. Google Play
  2. Tablet
  3. Mobile web
  4. Mobile in-app

100% Correct Answer

  • Mobile web

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