Certification Answers

DoubleClick Ad Exchange API Basics Assessment Answers 2024

Certification Questions & Certification Answers

Britta wants to see how many impressions were lost at each stage of the bidding process. What feature of the Ad Exchange API would she use to get this information?

  1. Billing API
  2. Creatives API
  3. Marketplace API
  4. RTB Breakout API

100% Correct Answer:

  • RTB Breakout API

Which is a benefit of using the data available through the RTB Breakout API?

  1. Buyers can run A/B tests on their creatives.
  2. Buyers can automate modifications to bidding.
  3. Buyers can run A/B tests on their landing pages.
  4. Buyers can automate modifications to their creatives.

100% Correct Answer

  • Buyers can automate modifications to bidding.

Which is a benefit for buyers using the Ad Exchange Creatives API?

  1. Easy assignment of creatives for pre-targeting
  2. Automatically generated reports
  3. Creative testing
  4. Bulk submission of creatives

100% Correct Answer

  • Bulk submission of creatives

What method is used to verify that an API call is allowed to access a specific Ad Exchange account?

  1. DoubleClick support enables the Ad Exchange account for API access.
  2. Authorization tokens are passed between the client and the API.
  3. Encrypted calls are used to exchange data between accounts.
  4. Reporting data is used to ensure that the correct data is received.

100% Correct Answer

  • Authorization tokens are passed between the client and the API.

Bulk submission of creatives is a benefit of which API feature?

  1. RTB Breakout API
  2. Pre-targeting API
  3. Marketplace API
  4. Creatives API

100% Correct Answer

  • Creatives API

How can buyers test the API request and response using live data?

  1. Review the Ad Exchange Help Center
  2. Reference the RTB Breakout
  3. Use the “Try this API” widget
  4. Check Ad Exchange reporting

100% Correct Answer

  • Use the “Try this API” widget

How does the Ad Exchange Creatives API help buyers ensure their creatives are set to successfully compete in the auction?

  1. It’s easy to run checks on creative approval status.
  2. It’s easy to retrieve a list of active creatives.
  3. It’s easy to bulk submit creatives.
  4. It’s easy to assign creatives to pre-targeting.

100% Correct Answer

  • It’s easy to run checks on creative approval status.

Managing client access to the Marketplace through the Ad Exchange API provides what benefit?

  1. Buyers can manage client invoicing directly in the API.
  2. Buyers can submit client’s creatives to the Marketplace.
  3. Buyers can check their client’s creatives against pre-targeting.
  4. Buyers can see the status of their client’s negotiations.

100% Correct Answer

  • Buyers can see the status of their client’s negotiations.

Which API feature exposes granular data around where in the pipeline bidders are missing the chance to win an ad impression?

  1. Creatives API
  2. Pre-targeting API
  3. Marketplace API
  4. RTB Breakout API

100% Correct Answer

  • RTB Breakout API

You could build an alerting system for when bid filtering exceeds a certain amount by using which API feature?

  1. Marketplace API
  2. RTB Breakout API
  3. Creatives API
  4. Pre-targeting API

100% Correct Answer

  • RTB Breakout API

This page was last edited on 12th March, 2024 at 9:04 AM (UTC).

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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